Monday, December 20, 2010


Okay a minotaur is an ancient Greek myth that A half man half bull was put in a maze and they would send in sacrifices into the maze to be killed. And no one person came out alive or came out at all or never were found. One day one guy named Theseus went into the maze with string he tied one end to the entrance so he would not get lost. And Theseus killed the minotaur. And the minotaur actually lived in the maze called Labyrinth. Theseus got the string from Ariadne the daughter of Minos. And labyrinth was made by Minos to keep the minotaur away from innocent people.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Antonio Gates

                                                          Antonio Gates after a touchdown                                                                                                                                                                  He was born just 5 days away from my birthday. Well he was born in 1980. He played tight end for the San Diego chargers he is also on my fantasy football. Did you know he played college basketball. His football number was 85 he is 30 years old. He was born in Detroit,Michigan. He attended college Kent state university. He is so awsome I wish I could meet him in person. Did you here that the chargers beat the colts. If you get a chance to see him tell me and I will give you a 1 foot tall deck of football cards. And before I give it to you you have to give me a picture. And if you ask for the monthly the next time I get a whole bunch I will give it to you. Bye.