Monday, December 20, 2010


Okay a minotaur is an ancient Greek myth that A half man half bull was put in a maze and they would send in sacrifices into the maze to be killed. And no one person came out alive or came out at all or never were found. One day one guy named Theseus went into the maze with string he tied one end to the entrance so he would not get lost. And Theseus killed the minotaur. And the minotaur actually lived in the maze called Labyrinth. Theseus got the string from Ariadne the daughter of Minos. And labyrinth was made by Minos to keep the minotaur away from innocent people.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Antonio Gates

                                                          Antonio Gates after a touchdown                                                                                                                                                                  He was born just 5 days away from my birthday. Well he was born in 1980. He played tight end for the San Diego chargers he is also on my fantasy football. Did you know he played college basketball. His football number was 85 he is 30 years old. He was born in Detroit,Michigan. He attended college Kent state university. He is so awsome I wish I could meet him in person. Did you here that the chargers beat the colts. If you get a chance to see him tell me and I will give you a 1 foot tall deck of football cards. And before I give it to you you have to give me a picture. And if you ask for the monthly the next time I get a whole bunch I will give it to you. Bye.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Fox gone wild

Did you know a male fox is called a Reynard. A female fox is called a vixen. I like fox because they look cool,they are carnivores, and most of all they like to eat rabbits.Fox kill quickly by jumping on there prey.And to end this blog the smallest fox is a fennec fox. Bye

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanks giving

Thanksgiving is a day where you give thanks and give more than take.One thing I'm thankful for is the toy my dad bought me off the internet. This blog tells you should not be greedy. So be happier when you give than when you receive. I like Thanksgiving because I get to visit my relatives, and we have a big feast. I like Thanksgiving because my brother, my cousins, my uncle, and grandparents come to my house. Have a happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Nickelback - If Everyone Cared

Nickelback-If Everyone Cared


Nickelback is an awesome Canadian rock band from Alberta. I like there music especially if everyone cared. They sold 30 million records worldwide. Ever sense the 2000's there rank was 11th in 2009 they were 7th. Well that's it bye.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Iowa Hawkeyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay for you Iowa fans. Did you know Iowa had a 7 rank in 2009 plus they had 10-2 season in 2009. How many of you watched the orange bowl it was cool Iowa won oh and I cant believe Wisconsin beat Iowa.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Okay s.w.a.t stands for (special weapons and tactics). Swat is a elite paramilitary unit. They are trained to risk almost anything. There specialty's are hostage rescues. They risks there lives in some arrests and here are some of the weapons submachine guns,assault rifles,breaching shotguns,stun grenades and sniper rifles. The first swat team was established in los angeles in 1968.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Okay I read a book about arrowhawk its about a hawk that is shot with a poachers arrow. The arrow was in arrowhawks thigh for eight weeks. It was crazy because its a true story see the picture. You should find amazing facts about arrowhawk if you read the book. Okay now there is a bad part where arrowhawk gets stuck in a tree and  brakes his foot to get out. Well that's it bye.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

39 clues

Okay the 39 clues series is cool just by the cover you will think it is cool the sword thief is the coolest. Okay now this or should I say these book are about two kids named Amy and Dan. There are different clues in each book. Now in sword thief they go to japan and that is were they get there third clue. And I want you to try to read one of the 39 clues books. They are really hard when when you have not read the first book. I started out with the fifth book and now I'm reading the third book sword thief the sword thief looks cool doesn't it. well that's it bye.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Spiting cobra

Spiting cobra is one of the most poisonous snakes on the planet. Okay they don't inject poison when they bite. Well they do but they spit venom in the eyes of there prey to blind them. Isn't it cool. I bet it would not be cool if you were prey for spiting cobra oh and a spiting cobra can spit 7-10 feet across. Bye

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Earley americans

Hi Tyler Willey here with another blog. Do you know what Willey means land division. Did you know that pretty cool. Did you know when Christopher Columbus was alive he would give an award to the first person to spot land  the first person to spot land was named Rodrigo Detriana. A few people that lived back then were Thomas Jefferson Meriweather Lewis and William Clark okay take the to last names off of Meriweather LEWIS and William CLARK you get Lewis and Clark. More early americans isn't that neat. Well thats it bye.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

northern pike

Okay I'm talking about the northern pike. One day me my brother, my grandma, and my grandpa went on a fishing trip it was fun me and my brother woke up early every morning and went fishing. Me and my grandpa went fishing one day and we caught six northern we ate them afterward they weren't that good but mayonnaise came in handy. If you ever see a northern don't freak out because they won't eat you maybe if they don't see how big you are. Well that's it bye.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

gray wolves (canis lupus)

                                                                                             gray wolf mad

Okay I'm talking about gray wolves. Did you know that the species name for gray wolf is (canis lupus). Okay I hope you learn something in this blog. Did you know that wolves are willing to fight a bear for food. One day I saw an image that showed a picture of a wolf following a bear Isn't that crazy. Well thats it bye.

Friday, October 22, 2010

what I learned in school this week part 2

Today is Friday October 22, 2010
Yesterday we learned about to round to the nearest hundred and find the sum or difference and it was fun. We learned about irregular nouns and I liked it a lot. I know it is not much but bye.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


There are different kinds of vertebrates there are fish,amphibians and a lot more like humans but I'm pretty much just going to talk about fish. Now I know about cartilage if not I'm going to talk about it. Your body has some  cartilage okay if you want to know what cartilage feels like than feel your ear it is flexible that is because it is made out of cartilage. And I think every body has heard about this cartilage animal it is the SHARK! And a shark is almost all cartilage.bye

Friday, October 15, 2010

What I learned during the school week

Okay during the school week. I learned a lot and I learned how to do this if you are wondering what it is it's blogging. My first blog was on North Carolina and it was a blast and i hope you get to blog to okay so lets get back to what I did during the school week. So in math today oh wait did I mention it is October 14 2010? So today we have a math test. I do not know what we are doing in it? Oh and I learned about nouns and on both of my tests I got 100%.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

complex invertebrates

Some of the animals I'm talking about you might find in your own backyard. Complex invertebrates are different from simple invertebrates is because they have a larger amount of cells that form tissues. Have you ever heard of a mollusk because I haven't well if you haven't I will tell you. Did you know that a octopus and a snail are kind of alike they do not look alike but they are both mollusks. A mollusk is a soft-bodied invertebrates that often live in fresh or salt water. Did you know that people use mollusks for food? how would you like a nice dish of snails for lunch.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Okay so today I'm talking about  invertebrates. Did you know the simplest invertebrates is a sponge? Did you know that a sea sponge can loose a part of its body and grow it back this is called regeneration. Oh and here is a another invertebrates called the flatworm.  A flatworm is a worm with a long soft body that is flat. The flatworm uses animals to supply it with food, water and oxygen. Tape worms are flatworms to. I've seen a tape worm before I saw it in Minnesota we were cleaning fish and there was a little tape worm squirming.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

North carolina

North Carolina has many treasures!  North Carolina also has a warm climate.  Many people say the climate is the best treasure.  The mountains to the west block harsh winds.  The major crops are tobacco, corn, cotton, and peanuts.  Almost 78% of North Carolina is forest.  Can you believe that?  The Atlantic Ocean is right next to it, literally.  I wish I lived in North Carolina.  Oh, and the cool thing is the state bird is the Cardinal.